Channel: marketing – @MrTonyDowling
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How to be Irresistible

English: Silhouette of lips

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I’ve any number of theories on this particular topic, probably because it consumed so much of my teenage angst ridden thought processes. And even today, I am still fascinated by how it is that some people are clearly drawn to others for sometimes no apparent reason, and how some people are equally drawn to organisations.

I’m talking about the ‘L’ word of course, and maybe getting a bit mixed up between people and businesses, but then I’m not sure there are all that many differences…

Its almost apocryphal of course, but love makes for the most astonishing of mismatched partners. Particularly when we get older, and we are perhaps more interested in the intellectual stimulation that our loved one can bring as well as any physical, er, gratification!

And that leads me on to the first of my laws of attraction. Youth.

Youth is extraordinary. I only wish I could see that when I was young enough to appreciate it. I am still upset when I see some young girl or guy who is clearly unsure of themselves and their appearance and sometimes desperately want to reach out to them to tell them they are amazing, with the splendour that only youth can bring.

Smooth limbed and energetic, they have all the world laid before them and I only hope they get a glimpse of their potential before its too late.

We are also consumed by the ‘new’ and fresh when it comes to our brands. Seemingly always waiting for the next big thing, the next hot prospect along that allows us to jump on top of and join in with. At least until the next, next big thing comes along of course.

I’ve lost count of the number of times Ive read about the ‘new’ Facebook for instance. The latest offering that will finally topple Zukerberg’s titan from its social media Mount Olympus.

The Adoption bell curve clearly illustrates the path that most brands take from introduction to establishment, and even the language used implies a superiority to those that get on early.


Innovators and Early adopters (as opposed to late majority and laggards) seem to have some sort of edge over the other categories?

New, exciting, fresh, vibrant, engaging are all adjectives we associate with ‘youth’ brandwise or from the physical perspective.

But what happens when the first flush of youth wears off? What happens when you lose your speed and fearlessness? Can us old codgers still ‘attract’ someone?

Can older brands, and older people for that matter still build relationships with new people? Do we still have it?

Well the other side of youth I guess, is a facileness? A lack of true depth maybe? Experience brings wisdom and knowledge, but can it still ‘pull’?

And here is my law of attraction number 2: There is nothing more attractive to us, than someone that is attracted to us!

You must have experienced this? There’s some guy or girl at your office or local pub or whatever, and you get on perfectly fine with them, until one day, someone lets on. They ‘fancy’ you! Suddenly, everything changes!

You can’t ever seem to regain that comfortable level of conversation you used to have. And you are strangely aware of how pretty or handsome they actually are. You can’t believe you didn’t notice how funny they have always been, and what a great figure they have. Great prospects too, with that career as a recycling technician clearly only the beginning of huge things for them.

Yes, as soon as we are aware of the interest, we suddenly start to talk ourselves into an attraction that is mutual. Applying liberal amounts of alcohol is a great way top speed the whole process up too.

And so it is with brands. Those that demonstrate their interest in us and how much they value us are immediately shuffled up our priority list.

How impressed are we by automated emails from Amazon that follow the purchases we’ve made from them, enquiring as to our satisfaction, post purchase?

How clever is it when they suggest other things we might like, based on the contents of our previous searches?

Some brands send birthday wishes and even little gifts with purchase that make us feel special, and we return the feeling with interest, as our cash tends to follow our amore.

Love ? I love love love you.

Love ? I love love love you. (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

But one word of caution to you brands out there. Be careful. Once you’ve aroused my affections don’t treat them lightly and certainly don’t dispose of them without a backwards glance. I’ll get hurt and then I have the whole of the social web to retaliate with.

Our break up will not be silent and dignified! It will be lived out on Facebook and Twitter as my betrayal is assuaged by public denouncement.

So be careful.

I want you to show me attention. When I want it. And only as long as I want it. Theres nothing worse than a brand that stalks you all over your computer screen and mobile device. Showing up on those little behavioural ads on the side of my window and sending me multiple emails at random times of the week.

You’d better be there when I need you, and I want you to sit quietly in the background until I need you again!

But in return, what fun we’ll have! I’ll fill my news feeds with pictures of us together, I’ll leave reviews of you all over the web tempting others to try your wares, and if anyone asks, and in some cases, when people haven’t asked, I’ll tell them all how fabulous we are together!

A classic! And the comfiest ever via mrtonydowling

A classic!

And all you have to do is show interest in me. Tell me you love me, Tell me you want me.

Theres nothing more attractive.

In fact, its irresistible.

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