If you’re a regular to this blog, or attended the Oiconf (Online Influence Conference) in Cardiff a few weeks back, you’ll know how popular the little event that started so humbly has become.
Even in the ashes of the wash up, and despite the tough end to this years event that we experience inside the ropes, the positive feedback and support has been tremendous.
It even makes the trials and tribulations we went through to bring you Oiconf all worthwhile!
One of the sponsors this year was a new company called Blurrt. In very simple terms they provide business (and any one else I guess) with so called ‘sentiment analysis’. This is an estimation of how Twitter (in this case) and social media in general FEEL about you, or your brand.
As part of our deal they have provided me with an overview of all the Oiconf related Twitter activity on the day of the conference itself.
Obviously this is a little more sophisticated than basic ‘listening’ for mentions of your brand, and for the first time, thanks to this real world example in use, I can really see the benefits.
Lets take a look at the tweets on the day first of all, and what the topic of the tweets were
What fantastic testament to the popularity of our key note speaker – Mark Schaefer!
Interestingly, both the other guys good enough to provide the ‘edutainment’ for the day, Pippa Davies (@MindHiver) and Ian Cleary, were tweeted about in equal measure it seems.
And it’s so gratifying to see words like ‘great’ ‘good’ ‘amazing’ and ‘creative’ pop up with such power! Exactly the sort of words you’d hope would be used!
In fact, it’s the actual ‘sentiment’ that proved to be the biggest, and most humbling element to all of this. Out of 3240 tweets on the day, NOT ONE was negative. Wow…
Incredible. I can’t tell you how… excited I was by this revelation! I knew it had gone well, and as mentioned, the outpouring of support immediately after was fantastic. But this is something else!
Thank you EVERYONE that came along – I am so glad you enjoyed it!
A couple of other insights before I go. The majority of tweets were from personal Twitter accounts meaning that people tweeted as themselves, not from a work perspective This is again, what I would hope for, as Oiconf is aimed at people, not businesses.
And one strange one – way more men than women tweeted DURING the conference, which was exactly the opposite case to BEFORE the conference. In the lead up to the event and immediately prior, more women than men were tweeting.
Anyone got any ideas why that might be?
Its pretty clear that people are overwhelmingly positive about this event, and I am so pleased to find that is the case.
Do you know what? There might be life in this old dog yet!
You can see the whole report in full as a PDF here: Oi Conf Sentiment Report